Inness Ho
Thank you Scalp Lab for saving me! Not exaggerating, after a year of giving birth to my baby, I went through the worse postpartum hair loss and it drained my confidence. My hairline was rescinding and I literally had to cut my hair off and style a boyish short look to cover as much balding area as possible.
At first, I didn’t realize there was such a thing called hairline embroidery and Sieglinde was very patient with explaining the service to me. She is incredibly professional and advised on the process, how the end result would turn out, how to care take post session, and most importantly, it was quick and pain free.
My hairline now looks very natural and much fuller! Thank you Scalp Lab for helping me fix this and I would recommend your service to any who has hair loss issues!
Licensed skin care professional
Experienced skin care professionals
Ting Poon
老闆娘服務態度好,而且專業的手法和知識,解答到你很多問題 ,價錢也合理,人也很nice,好開心做到自然又好靚 ,我本身m字頭髮好少,做完明顯面細左,睇上去冇左m字額 ,好開心的體驗
一開始都搵左好多間,最後都揀左佢幫我整 ,非常之好的選擇
Erica Mak
Super natural with no pain!!love your work and you are just so nice and responsive�will definitely visit again and recommend my friends to come!
好有耐性冇厭煩超麻煩 超多要求嘅我最重要係整得好靚好自然,會比好多專業意見。補色都係好有心機,唔會求其補完就算。我去補色補好多位都係好有心機好有耐性整完會比藥膏搽。未來幾日唔可以洗頭,佢仲會比貼士點去唔掂到頭皮去洗頭,100分好人服務態度100分
Joanna E. Chiu
I was nervous about having the procedure but it has been well worth it. Sieglinde was really friendly and fully explained everything before hand. The result made a massive difference to my appearance even after the first session. My only regret....? That I didn’t know about this 5 years ago.
Peggy Lam
我天生頭髮好幼,加上後生時不停漂染,導致頭頂好稀疏。Scalp Lab幫我解決咗10幾年的煩惱,店主非常友善,細心及專業。我做完第一次翌日洗完頭吹乾,一望鏡真係已經效果好明顯,好自然。宜家每朝唔再需要煩惱點去吹頭遮遮掩掩,自信返哂嚟,連我個髮型師都話好好,好自然。好彩我找到Scalp Lab,整個過程都唔痛。真係極力推薦一定要搵最好的Scalp Lab
Aster Chin
I would like to have a hair tattoo for a super long time as my hair loss problem is getting more and more intense these years. Every time when I took pictures, I was so afraid people could realize my hair getting so scattered. Luckily I found Scalp Lab on social media and reached out to Sieglinde, she is so nice and professional. I am very satisfied with the result, and my friends and family are impressed by it as well. I definitely will recommend Scalp Lab to others.
MuiMuii Hsu
我做左3 個sessions 嘅SMP. 有麻醉膏唔痛。效果超好,我好滿意呀。老闆娘每次都好用心,同有耐性解釋我既疑問。最緊要係明碼實價,絕不取巧。
地方好乾淨,企理。最最緊要係老闆娘好靚女架 同好見談。
Joanne Leung
係度做咗SMP療程,覺得效果真係好好,過程完全唔痛,可以好舒服咁攤係度休息,仲可以一邊玩手機,同坊間既連鎖美容院真係差好遠,老闆娘唔會hard sell,態度仲非常好勁nice,真係會因應個人情況再俾意見我,有問題都會盡量解答我,整緊果陣仲可以同老闆娘傾計,傾傾下就話咁快整完lu,整完之後仲可以即時出街添,真係非常之滿意呀,好多謝老闆娘,對佢既手勢超級有信心!!٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
Suyi Chan
I’ve received SMP treatment and the entire experience was smooth with very prominent results.
Sieglinde was very attentive and patient. She gave me plenty of time to ask questions and made sure I feel comfortable with the procedures. During the whole process, she was efficient and professional - after each session, I can see a huge difference in my appearance. I am very happy now I can try new hairstyles that I used to avoid.
The environment was cosy and clean and her three puppies absolutely stole my heart. She was also fun to talk to and had many interesting stories. Highly recommended!
Leung Hoi Ni
有頭髮稀疏問題的困擾嗎?Scalp Lab一定幫到你!因為我親身體驗過後,稀薄的髮線被填密了!視覺效果自然,自信心即時返晒黎。
Paktik Cheng
做完smp療程 ,頭髮睇落濃密左 有幫助 老闆娘手勢好值得推薦